
The Village That Raised Me
Columns Ron Ciancutti Columns Ron Ciancutti

The Village That Raised Me

When Hillary Clinton titled her book, It Takes a Village, published in 2006, I remember pausing to let the title sink in, and then smiled and nodded, as it made so very much sense. The clear reference that many influences are involved in building one’s life had also been the locomotion of my life, and the older I got, that philosophy became clearer.

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Move On
Columns Ron Ciancutti Columns Ron Ciancutti

Move On

My wife and I are often amused at some evening television that involves troubled adults who just can’t settle with their childhoods and the way their parents screwed up their lives. From the “unable to commit” daughter with father issues to the overbearing son with confidence issues, parents always seem to be held accountable for everything that went wrong.

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