Youth Sports Administration 101: Volunteer Management

Being fair, consistent, and courteous goes a long way in attracting the right people

By Jason Schaitz

For most kids and parents, volunteers are “the face” of a sports league. Most programs cannot happen without them. Recruiting and retaining great volunteers will not only make a league better but also make your job as an administrator much easier. Larger programs may have hundreds of volunteers to manage, so it is important to stay organized while putting in the extra effort to retain them. While leagues have volunteer coaches, who account for much of a volunteer group, there may be volunteer referees and scorekeepers as well. Here are some tips to manage volunteers and keep them coming back season after season:

© Can Stock Photo / AndreyPopov

1. Background screening. This is a must for any youth program and paramount for the safety of participants. Make sure to follow your state’s guidelines on volunteer screening. If state statutes do not clearly define volunteer requirements, screen all volunteers once annually at a minimum.

2. Volunteer policies. Have written policies for volunteers, such as screening requirements, job descriptions, waivers, and a code of conduct. Have forms available for detailed contact information and require volunteers to sign off on policies annually.

3. Say thank you a lot. One unfortunate item that often gets overlooked is the simple gesture of thanking volunteers for their service. They are doing a job for free, so it is an essential part of any program. Tell them how much they mean to the program every chance you get.


4. Put the necessary effort into training and educating volunteers before they ever step foot on-site. Review program goals and expectations, as well as sport-specific rules and policies. Provide everything you can within the time constraints of face-to-face meetings, as well as provide them a list of resources they can use on their own throughout the season. Teaching them how to work with kids, manage practices, and run games will go a long way in developing volunteers.

Liza Summer, Pexel

5. Be flexible. Try to be as flexible as possible when it comes to scheduling. Make sure volunteers have their desired practice times. If they have a known conflict prior to the season, accommodate it as best you can. If they coach multiple teams, make sure to schedule those teams in different time slots. Don’t try to rearrange schedules mid-season due to a request; it should be considered only before the season begins. Emphasize that requests cannot always be guaranteed.

6. Empower. Give volunteers the tools they need to succeed and then get out of their way. Don’t micromanage—let them do their own thing and have fun with it.

7. Hold volunteers accountable. Have a process in place to monitor volunteers and hold them accountable if they do not follow policies. Set clear and concise expectations, and if volunteers fall short, take action as soon as possible to prevent a larger incident from occurring.

8. Communicate. Volunteers will be frustrated if they cannot find the information they need or feel like they are out of the loop on league activities. Send weekly updates, make sure to listen if they have questions or concerns, and be responsive.


9. Give volunteers a keepsake. Work a deal with the league photographer to give all coaches a free team picture at the end of the season in appreciation for their service. Or hand out plaques or certificates of appreciation. Also, at the end of the year, consider hosting a volunteer-appreciation event, such as a luncheon or barbecue. Anything that leaves a lasting impression, ends the season on a high note, and keeps the program top of mind when it is time for the next season is a bonus.

10. Be fair. Treat all volunteers equally and apply the same rules to all. It’s frustrating for a new volunteer when it is clear there are favorites within a program. If volunteers who have been there for a while are getting all the best players, or not playing by the same rules, it will turn new volunteers away and might be detrimental to a program.

Knowing how to manage volunteers is an essential part of any youth-sports program. Falling short in this area may cause the program to go away for good. Have a plan going into each season on how to manage volunteers, and use all the resources possible to welcome volunteers and keep them there for the long haul. The better and more equipped a volunteer base is, the stronger the program will be.

Jason Schaitz is a Parks and Recreation Director with 15 years’ experience managing youth sports and recreation programs. He also created and manages, with the goal of providing free resources for any type of youth-sports program. Take your league to the next level by visiting League Source to check out our League Management App, League Resources, Youth Sports News, and Youth Sports Administration 101 educational series.


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