Reduce Financial Headaches

Modernized payment processing enables quick reconciliation and improved service for patrons

When Frisco Adventure Park in Colorado shut down in the early stages of the pandemic, Guest Service Manager Kelsy Maxie was faced with a daunting task—processing $100,000 in refunds. To make matters worse, she ran into issues with her third-party payment processor, and some customers didn’t receive credits for 14 business days. She knew there had to be a better way.

Sadly, parks and recreation departments regularly experience these frustrations. They rely on payment-processing companies, third-party gateways, merchant accounts, and accounting systems to collect payments from patrons and maintain accurate financial records. But often, a lack of synergy between payment processors and accounting systems leaves managers like Maxie stuck in the middle. Parks and rec departments then have to deal with angry patrons, incomplete bookkeeping records, and uncertainty about budgets and project closeouts.

PayTrac, a new product from Vermont Systems, effectively solves all of these issues and more. As a single-source payment facilitator, PayTrac can provide timely, accurate updates about devices, transactions, and all other issues related to payment processing.

“When they call, the team at Vermont Systems knows them, knows their issue, and is invested in solving the problem,” says Devin Meister, Demand Generation Manager for Clubessential Holdings, LLC, Vermont Systems’ parent company.

PayTrac serves as a direct pathway for parks and rec departments to process payments with RecTrac and WebTrac, Clubessential’s recreation-management suite and its customer-facing counterpart.

This single solution leads to faster reconciliation, which “enables parks and rec departments to close things quickly, plan and move forward,” Meister says.

PayTrac also enables easy mobile payments, online payments, and contactless payments; facilitates faster and more predictable cash flow; provides increased security; and offers the modern, convenient experience that customers expect.

After becoming a customer, Maxie found herself at ease thanks to more fluid operations and better communication about Frisco Adventure Park’s credit card processing.

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