Yay, For Summer!

The sun was shining and my girls were feeling some serious summer vibes. They asked me to take them out for lunch on the deck of a local restaurant—one overlooking our town’s lake. We did and, of course, it was awesome. The first time in forever the weather cooperated.

We returned home and one of the girls asked if we could get our mountain bikes ready for riding. So, we spent the afternoon lazily grabbing a bike, putting it on the stand, lubing the chain, adjusting/testing the brakes, inflating the tires, and so on.

As we finished the last bike, it was time for dinner and then a post-dinner walk. It wasn’t exactly like our summer routine, but close—leaving us feeling like the seasons were a-changing.

We went to bed with plans to enjoy a lazy Sunday riding bikes, hiking any snow-free trail we could find, and firing up the grill.

We awoke to a raging snowstorm—one that lasted for more than a week, dumping nearly four feet of snow on the surrounding mountains. We found ourselves digging out our ski equipment, skinning up our local peaks and whooping and hollering as we took advantage of the awesome powder conditions.

Today, finally, spring returned—sunshine, higher temps, and melting snow. Soon, no doubt, we’ll be riding our bikes and hiking our favorite trails.

This little “false spring” story came to mind as I read through this month’s effort. As usual, our May issue is a celebration of all-things spring and summer. It’s our official transition to park season—and the all-important Memorial Day start date for all-things outdoor in the northern part of the country. I think you’re going to like what our team created—I know I did.

If you do, or if you don’t, let us know. We love mail.

Till next month…

Rodney J. Auth


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“A Reunion For the Ages”

