Calhoun Recreation Department Recognized During COVID-19 Pandemic

After a couple weeks of being quarantined, citizens in Calhoun, Ga., began venturing out to local walking trails for their daily exercise. Soon people were noticing God’s beauty in the local parks and began calling city councilmen and thanking employees for a job well done. The original walking trail, which was established in 1972, has a walking distance of one mile. Then new trails were constructed in two phases. Phase 1 was constructed in 2009, while Phase 2 was completed in 2019; the new portion is 2.5 miles.

There were so many compliments that Kim Townsend, director of the parks department, received a letter from one of the city councilwomen, Jackie Palazzolo.

“THANK YOU for all your work at the rec. Many people are using the rec during this time to exercise and get out of their homes for a while and they continue to call me about how beautiful/clean and well-maintained the rec looks every time they visit. Please share with your staff and know that it is greatly appreciated. Prayers for safety and health of you and your family! Thank you!”

--Information submitted by Malcolm Fain, Park Manager, Park Manager of the Calhoun Recreation Department in Calhoun, Ga.


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