Swamped With Fun

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Just outside of Houston is Fort Anahuac Park in Anahuac, Texas. Superior Recreational Products and their certified partner, Kraftsman, worked with the park to add a new playground. This community has a lot of history. The park is the site of where events of the Texas Revolution took place. This area also has surrounding marshes and a big fishing community. Anahuac is also home to the annual alligator festival, which attracts thousands each year. With this rich history, Senior Design and Sales Consultant David Ondrias took this opportunity to add not just any playground, but one that reflected the community.

“Through my professional work with Kraftsman and my personal interests in the fishing and conservation aspects of this area, that’s what really drove the planning and concept you see here today,” Ondrias says.

The marsh-themed steel play structure features unique design elements including cattail toppers, marsh grass, log steppers, and a marsh panel roof. From conquering the leaf spiral climber to exploring the spiral tube slide, children are swamped with fun!

The park was renovated because city officials wanted to add play facilities for children and families.

“I’m very pleased with the way the playground has turned out. It’s a great addition to our park,” Assistant Park Superintendent Kirk Sherman says. “The features sum up what this park is really about and it turned out really nice.”

The park chose the marsh theme because it complements the surrounding area.

“I just greatly appreciate all the effort that everybody’s put into this and I think the playground will serve the community greatly for years to come,” County Commissioner of Precinct 1 Jimmy Gore says.


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