FLOMEC QS200 Insertion Ultrasonic Flowmeter Wins New Product Contest

Wichita, Kan. – Great Plains Industries announces the QS200 Insertion Ultrasonic Flowmeter as the Landscape Irrigation Category winner in the New Product Contest at the Irrigation Show and Education Conference.

The QS200 has no moving parts and utilizes ultrasonic technology to measure flow instead of simply sensing it. The QS200 provides high accuracy (2% of Reading), extended leak detection down to 0.1 fps (0.03m/s), measures flow rates five times lower than current flow sensors on the market, as low as 0.22 GPM (.83 L/min) and compatible with most common name brand irrigation controllers. It offers LED indication of power and flow activity and retrofits into Data Industrial PVC tees.

Fifty-eight new products and technologies were entered in five categories. Products were evaluated based on innovation, design quality, increased water/resource-use efficiency, ease of use and product life expectancy. Contest judges were experienced professionals with technical knowledge and industry expertise. The winners were announced Dec. 6, during the IA general session.


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